The liver might just be the LEAST SEXY ORGAN in the body, but it is the key to getting your sexy back!

The liver might just be the LEAST SEXY ORGAN in the body, but it is the key to getting your sexy back! It doesn’t have the appeal of the brain, heart, lungs or skin. It doesn’t even get its own emoji. But today, doctors know that your liver is IN CHARGE OF burning off your fat, and turning it into energy! We don't fast for fat loss. Fasting isn't going to make your muscles bigger. That's diet and exercise.

Fasting is for autophagy and cellular health. Just because your stomach and liver are done breaking down that chicken breast doesn't mean the cells in your body are done breaking those proteins and fats down. Cellular metabolism takes much longer for some foods, especially glycated foods like cooked meat and fried foods. If you eat food too often your cells become full. Fasting for a day or two from food can clear years of metabolic debris removing damaged cells while creating new cells which will change your life!

When we use peptides like semaglutide to increase our GLP-1 production starting with a metabolic reset will help our body begin with a "clean slate" so to speak. Some people complain that GLP-1 perscriptions make them sick when in reality the lifetime of poor choices that has left traces of toxins and damaged cells in the body is the real reason why they feel sick.

A metabolic reset helps our body remove damaged cells and create new cells which gives a renewed source of metabolism energy. Age related diseases can be decreased and eliminated when we combine peptides with cellular health.

Simply Sweet Skin Aesthetic Wellness is an affiliate partner with Cellular Health MD. We now offer Labs, Peptides, PRP, IV Infusion and Telehealth appointments with a Medical Board Certified Practitioner. Peptide injections, a liver detox and consistent intermittent fasting along with healthy choices is a key factor in losing unwanted fat! Contact us for labs and free peptide educaitonal consult so that you can get your sexy back!